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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 04-18-2005, 08:15 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 38

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Suse 9.3 - Hostname Proper Configuration?

Hey guys, I just installed Suse 9.3 Professional today in the hopes of upgrading quite a few bugs on my mobile, boy is it great. I do have one problem. When I setup the pc, I opened YAST, went to the network setup for my wifi card. And in the fields it had the following options.

Hostname: linux
Domain: site
(X) - Update name via DHCP

Nameserver Search : site
(X) - Update name server via DHCP

I'm pulling these from memory since I am running a dual boot.

When I have these options, and it finds a network connection it adds the IP address/Or Something of the domain I'm connected to, and asks me to log in.....

When I change anything in these fields my wifi card basically dies, and if I run iwconfig it has no ESSID and the nickname changes to "Hermes I"

I'm guessing, but is there a way like in windows, for the machine to be on a "Workgroup" or even not necessarily a workgroup, but independant of a domain, and still connect to my campus's Wifi Network.

What would the proper settings be then?

Thanks folks, you've been a real help.


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