ok I am a complete newb I installed redhat 8.0 on my box last night for the first time. It seemed to work great with my hardware with the exception of my dwl520 wireless card I also tried a netgear ma101 rev a usb wireless nic. I found some sites with information on how to build you own driver. and I must say WHY... why isnt there a way to just install a driver without all the compiling? OR is there?
I was also wondering if there is a way to veiw the files on my XP harddrive ?
and how do I configure the boot loader after the install? the bootloader "not lilo" cant remember the name? attempts to boot to my 2nd partition on the xp drive how can I change this?
* I am running two harddrives one with RH8 and one with xp and a second ntfs partiton so a total of 5 partitions "3linux" "2windows"
windows and linux are on separate drives. **