Thanks folks.
This is a typo:
It should be this:
$ ls f?le?
file1 file2 file3
I now understood.
First, bash parse the command, but it does not use regex.
Bash use it own wildcard, i.e.globbing pattern.
See here
Excerpts:" Bash does carry out filename expansion [1] -- a process known as globbing -- but this does
not use the standard RE set. "
My mistake was also this:
dot is not a globbing pattern wildcard (which is different from regular regex).
Then bash executes the command with the expanded arguments that were not escaped.
The executed command use regular regex on the arguments, if there are any that escaped Bash's parsing.
Here is blessings for everyone:
Let peace, let peace, let peace
fill your soul.
May peace, may peace, may peace
make you whole.