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Old 09-29-2007, 02:37 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 21

Rep: Reputation: 0
"...src.rpm can't be installed"

I use openSuse 10.2.
I want to install the new gimp version from the gimp-2.4.0-rc3 source.

On configuring, I get a "Couldn't find PyGTK>=2.10.4" error. Usually, I skip it with --disable-python. But, that time, I want to install it.
So, I had to update to python-gtk-2.10.4. OK.
Dependances are required for python-gtk-devel-2.10.4 :
python-gobject2-devel and python-cairo-devel.

With, I found .rpm.html files for these dependances. In these html files, there is a weird message : "Hem! It's impossible ;-) This RPM doesn't exist in any ftp".
But there is a link for .src.rpm files that I downloaded.

I go to the directory containing the src.rpm file and I run
#rpm build --rebuild python-gobject2-2.12.3-60.src.rpm.

I get a dry message: "...src.rpm can't be installed".

Why that? What must I do?
Old 09-29-2007, 04:35 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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If 'rpm' has some kind of "verbose output" switch, try enabling it in the hope that it gives more detailed information about why the process failed. Another way I can think of is to try and compile (up to 'make', but leaving 'make install' step or quivalent off -- just to test) the source code yourself, rather than using a .src.rpm package, and see if it fails or not. If the source compilation works ok, .src.rpm should also, but if you can't get the source compiled for some reason (which should then be reported), you could try fixing that/those problem(s) and then re-try with the .src.rpm.
Old 09-29-2007, 05:09 AM   #3
LQ Addict
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#rpm build
Is this a typographical error, or did you actually use a space between rpm and build. It should be one word: rpmbuild.
Old 09-29-2007, 10:23 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 21

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Sure, this typo mistake is always possible, but I actually wrote "rpmbuild" in my command line.

I resolved the problem by installing slightly older rpm's, still valid for Gimp.
I have Gimp installed now :-)

Thank you for your help which made things moving again.


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