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Old 01-06-2003, 04:37 AM   #1
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speedtouch problem (one that's not mentioned in other posts!!)

So, I have my mandrake 9.0 dual booting with XP (hence the ability to post here), I normally have the mandy to connect at boot which is fine, I get the "checking internet connections to start at boot" prompt at the startup dialogue, the modem does its light flashing thing and after a little while, it finishes the startup dialogue and logs me in and I'm away.

But now,

I boot up, it starts doing "it's thing", the modem does it's light flashing thing, then it hangs for maybe 5 minutes and I get the advice

connection failed - /usr/share/speedtouch/ command 0=0 command not found

So far, I have looked through "disc 1" and found a "speedtouch rpm", and clicked on it to install it, in the vain hope that it will overwirte the damaged script with the correct one.

No such luck.

I have started an "incident" at mandrakeexpert to see if they can help, but as yet, they haven't been very helpful!!!

So here I am.

Could anyone advise me what I need to do next? with any ideas being in the "monkey see, monkey do" format so I can print them off and boot back into mandrake to try them.


Old 01-06-2003, 05:50 AM   #2
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I have also tried to see if there is any way that I can look at the "" that would be on the disc to see if I could just type in the correct line.

No luck

I looked through the logs to see if anything made sense there and noticed that the vpi vci numbers are missing, so I have opened the /etc/ppp/peers/adsl file and added them.

Still no luck


Old 01-06-2003, 06:08 AM   #3
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Ok John, I didn't wanna be the firs to reply since I know jack and his brother (his name starts with Sh ) about the USB modems that everyone has problems with; but you replied already so now I can take my stab

Anyway, here's the really round about way I'd go about lookin for a "" file from the RPM on the disc. Make a temp directory somewhere that you have priviledges (btw do this as an unpriviledged user if possible). Somewhere like your home directory.
mkdir /home/bigjohn/temp
Now copy the RPM package into that directory:
cp /mnt/cdrom/mandrake/RPMS/speedtouch.mdk.rpm /home/bigjohn/temp
And then use the program rpm2tgz (hopefully you've got it) to convert it:
rpm2tgz /home/bigjohn/speedtouch.rpm
Then untar the new .tgz package:
tar xvzf speedtouch.tgz
And now see if there is the script you wish to look at "". If there is, go ahead and compare it to see if it works.

Oh, the path's and filenames to the RPM's on the disc aren't completely correct, but I think you get my point with em.

Old 01-06-2003, 06:09 AM   #4
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Hopefully you've already seen this

Old 01-06-2003, 07:18 AM   #5
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confusion reigns

Well Chad,

Your first post is, as usual, in-valuable. I will have to get that package and install it.

As far as your second post, no I hadn't seen that, but it's now the source of confusion, because in my impatience to get this sorted out, I tried a few other things which didn't work and threw the install disc's back in and have re-installed (again). The thinking behind this was that I could then see what the "proper" undamaged file should look like and if (when) it happens again i'll have a hard copy to do amendments and modifications.

Having just read olivier thauvin's post, I have checked out my and as I type this, it reads $returned=0 and I know that it's going too sound stupid, but in the post, it says *"$RETURNED=0" which is stupid ! the correct thing is **"RETURNED=0" without the dollar... so am I supposed to have the * signs in there as well ??

I just don't know ????? As previously mentioned, my log said that the vci/vpi pair were missing, so maybe there is a further bug? or would the $ be enough to drop the vci/vpi as well as causing the connection difficulty? Obviously the "" are just that, but with my mammoth understanding of linux et al, it means that I will have to wait and see.

I sometimes wish you pharmacy types could be a little bit more inventive and develop medication for this - one pill and I'd have all the linux knowledge I need, even if it's only for 6 to 8 hours until worn off. Now that would be a bonus (except I'd have to buy a lifetimes supply - erm I don't suppose that you have got any sane/xsane or even general scanner tablets available, have you???).

I digress (again). In your opinion, which idea should I opt for if (when) it happens again, returned=0 or *returned=0 or **returned=0 (in other words what do you think that they are trying to say in the post?)

Oh, and happy new year matey.



p.s. don't believe the proverbs - ignorance is not bliss, it's headaches, stress, bad tempers and cold sores!!!

Old 01-06-2003, 07:57 AM   #6
LQ Guru
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Ha ha ha, John, I know "Invaluable" means "utterly unhelpful, could you speak any geekier?"

I think though, if you have the tool it will make more sense, as the type does look a bit odd, but "plug and play" with it and it might work.

IM VERY HO (In my very humble opinion) especially since I know jack about programming as well, I'd say he meant:

But the beauty is you can try em both, or even a variation of it.

Thanks for the tips John, and a Happy New Year to you as well!

As for intelligence tablets, I am just hoping for some *working* memory tablets, ginkgo biloba is a bunch of $%#* if you ask me

Old 01-06-2003, 08:50 AM   #7
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Sorry matey, I don't do geek - as far as I know it means without a price as in excellent/quality*/splendid

*for a true definition of "quality", see Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance (authors last name Pritzik, I seem to recall)

I have just tried the returned=0 idea and at the moment, I still can't get in, so I'm trying to find out about modems, routers and the like.

This alcatel thing is just a pain in the arse.

The thing is, is that although I appear to have a network adapter in the back of this computer, I don't know whether I would need a modem, router, bridge or ethernet card etc etc to replace the speedtouch?

perhaps you have some idea ???

Oh and I was thinking more on the "instant knowledge" type tablets - one for linux, one for scanners, one for networking, one for motorcycle maintenance etc etc etc

The only one that wouldn't need inventing is one for window$ - they are already available - about 50 pence a bag - known here as M&M's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Old 01-06-2003, 11:35 AM   #8
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ha ha ha, cool M&M's

More than likely you are going to need a DSL modem to replace your Speedtouch DSL modem Then if you wanted to get all fancy and really screw yourself over, you could attach a router to that (which I have truly found out is a helluva lot of knowledge to run one!). I just picked me up a router, a Linksys BEFS41. Anyway, not that you should worry about that... Yeah, you'd need a DSL modem: (he he he )
The real link I wanted:

There is a good list of DSL modems. I'd look for something that DOESN'T connect via USB, but then again, that's just me. John, I don't have any idea what shipping is to your neck of the woods, but I've got an extra DSL modem that was accidently given to me by my provider. I'd be happy to send it to you.

Anyway, the main thing you'll wanna find out is what your ISP supports. Give em a call. You pay for em to help you, so make em! They may even have a list of brands/co you will end up having to choose from if you wanna get a new modem (Or if you are REALLY lucky, they might even swap you if they have some non-USB one around).

Oh, and even if you didn't have a Network card in your box already, I just picked up a Realtek 8139 chipset card for 5 bucks online, that included shipping, so it's not like you'd go broke getting the equipment (unless you end up needing a DSL modem from a specific co or something.. which I understand are upwards of $150 US).

Old 01-06-2003, 11:37 AM   #9
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P**y B*****d S****y F*****g mandrake

I have just re-installed for the 2nd time today. After the first re-install, I managed to access the net once, before it wouldn't let me get in.

So, apart from sorting out the fonts, I am now back to square 1.

Before I re-installed the second time, I tried all the possible permutations of the stuff in the cooker bug + solution link. And guess what, none of them worked. That's what happens if like me, you don't speak geek.

So, to try and prevent a re-occurence of the problem, perhaps I should try a back up in the control centre - but I've never done that, and what would I back up, and should I wait until I have sorted out copying my window$/M$ office fonts ? do you know if backing up the whole install is possible/practical or even a good idea ???

Because it's really starting to piss me off having to do all this every time it decides to tell me about line 150 command not found.


Old 01-06-2003, 04:08 PM   #10
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The way I solved it is I got myself a router with my new pc that I was buying anyway. I have the speedtouch 330 and couln't get it to work, not even with the alcatel microcode, not with any of three wayz to get the speedtouch supposedly working that I found on the net, not in Debian, not in Mandrake (tried both 8.2 and 9.0).

So with my new pc, I've got the Draytek Vigor 2200 USB broadband router/switch. I set it up from win98, which I had on my old pc, with the newest drivers for both the Draytek and the Speedtouch, and it flies!! Once set up, you don't need to use windoze, you can do any further configuration in a browser. It handles the modem through usb and has 4 ethernet LAN connections to connect with an ethernet network card in your pc, which is easy to set up in Linux. If you buy this router, take care to buy the usb version if you want to use it with the alcatel modem, other versions exist!
Old 01-07-2003, 12:15 AM   #11
LQ Guru
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What did it run? I mean, how much did that thing cost?

And have you got a link to check out? Sounds like it might be exactly what John could use (along with many others with the shoddy speedtouch).

John, as for your backup, I've honestly never done what that route. I've backed up certain .conf files in /etc and my entire /home directory, but never chosen to use tools to do backups (such as the thing it sounds like you are speaking of), so I wouldn't really know if it's a good idea or not. If you are reinstalling often (to me that's more than once every other month or so) then I'd think it would be at least worth it, once. You can then find out if it'd be worth doing again and again.

I am very fortunate to not have gotten stuck with such a device as the speedmodems, but on the other hand, I miss out on helping so many people with their problems in linux with em.

Good Luck

Old 01-07-2003, 02:46 PM   #12
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A general remark on the Alcatel Speedtouch USB: There are two models, the old blue UFO and the NEW red mouse (330). The ask both for a very different how-to !!!
Tell us first what modem we are talking about !
( I did the mandrake expert trick too and did get no response. And I did see your post on another forum,, aswell )
I've got my modem (the 330) working, and it doing it's job fine , but I've got a good manuasl for the old modem too.

Last edited by onurb; 01-07-2003 at 02:48 PM.
Old 01-08-2003, 08:08 AM   #13
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Hey I was just reading the new posts, and I thought "oh I must check the mandrakeexpert site" and believe it or not there is a new reply that, reading between the lines, says RTFM.

And yes, I will re-read the docs, but surely I am not the only person to have got the warning, I mean, what the hell is an "SIOCDLERT" in the first place!

Anyhow, so correct me if "I have got the wrong end of the stick" (knowing my luck, I will have picked the stick with the S**T on my end!), but if I get a router, I plug the PC into that, and then plug the router into the modem. Presumably that does away with the need to have the speedtouch crap and you just tell the router to sort the connection???

Also, just to clarify, my modem is the OLD flat blue one.

Chad's comment's about not going for the USB modem/router idea is valid, as he's not the only person I have seen at LQ who doesn't particulaly like USB and prefers the ethernet option.

Unfortunately, my knowledge of equiptment for networks etc only really extends to kit that deals with RF (radio frequency), I can't honestly say that I understand how the ethernet side of things works. Also, because my PC is of the "chain store offer" type (it was manufactured by Medion but has Microstar on the front badge and the mainboard is an MSI one), it is limited by the cost cutting carried out by the manufacturers. I would probably have to take it down to one of the local shops to get them to have a look and give me advice as to which direction to go.

For the moment, generally speaking, I am happy with the speedtouch modem, in that, it seems to work OK under windows and linux. It's just how it runs under linux (well mandrake anyway) and that the snags that I seem to be getting are software related. But If I need to change the hardware I need to find out what kind of alternative kit is available and how to "drive it".


I have just been off and looked at the draytek site, and there is an excellent graphic explaining how I would do it. So I'm just off to see how much it's going to cost me. Built in firewall/router the lot.

Oh and for onurb the manual that you mentioned for the "old blue UFO" modem, is it available to read on line???


Old 01-08-2003, 12:25 PM   #14
LQ Guru
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Removes a routing entry from the routing table of the system. The task must have superuser privileges to perform that operation. argp points to a rtentry structure.
Wow that was much harder to hunt down than I set out thinking Here's the link:

As for what you are looking at:

That would probably "fix" your problems as the modem would basically be ran by the router. HOWEVER, before forkin over the 179 pounds (I don't know my international $$ eq's but that sure sounds like a chunk!) I'd definitely post over in the networking section ANY questions you have about this, and maybe even ask someone to give you a little bit of "pre" purchase ideas on how to set this thing up (that way you'd know if you could handle it). I would assume it would be fairly straight up, and you could handle most of it.

Main thing, do you get your IP via DHCP or PPoE (PPoE might be spelled wrong I use DHCP so please forgive the ignorance), this will be a huge question once you get the router (If you get the router).

Ask here, ask everywhere you can, check out and go to their Forums and post/search there. Go everywhere you can, find out anything you can about it, ask as many questions no matter how dumb they seem, and then when you get it you won't have nearly as bad of a time as if you just recieved it with my limited knowledge/help.

Also, definitely check out the competitors, find equivilent products (I know linksys offers one) and see what the other's are offering. I am sure you know how to shop around, I don't wanna seem like I am insulting you, so I will keep this paragraph short

Good Luck!
Old 01-08-2003, 12:55 PM   #15
Registered: Dec 2002
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BigJohn: The lsite where you'l find all the relevant links for the speedtouch UFO :
Because you have mandrake 9.0: all the stuff about kernel-hacking and USB is already taken care off in the kernel version you have got, so you don have to worry about that part. Still before starting with the how-to, you'd better delete all the old instances of 'modem_run' , pppoa2, pppoa3 and pppoe, to prevent confusion with the new versions of the same files you will add.

a simple, very visual,how-to (in French)
Also here a clean start ( modem_run pppoa, pppoe ) is important. ( This because I know that you're already fiddeling with the Speedtouch for a few weeks now. )
I can't blame you that you're near the point of dumping the damn modem, considdering the effort you did put in to it. But as I said before, mine ( the new 330 ) was hard to connect too, but once it was/is running it can't be beat !



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