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Old 02-16-2005, 10:10 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: Netherlands
Distribution: Mandrake / Ubuntu
Posts: 4

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Sound in linux

Hi all,

i just installed Mandrake and Ubuntu on my systems.

Mandrake is already installed for a few months and working great, i use it mainly as a game/web server for my clan.

Now i trying Ubuntu on my other client (first winXP) everything works fine except for a sound related thingy.

i use cedega on Ubuntu to run my games in (i.e. Call of Duty) this works okay (a bit lag but i think this is related to some setup/config probs)

But as i mentioned before, i have a clan, so we also use software to communicate with each other during games (skype to be exact).

Now comes my problem.

if i use Skype, i cant start the game because of missing sound files (the game cant communicate with the sound card because its already in use by Skype)

if i start the game first, i wont be able to start skype (skype runs but i cant answer the incoming call)

So the problem is that i need a way or program to share more sound sources at once in linux so i can use two or more (sound demanding)applications at once.

i searched the web already and cant find specific info on this item, found something about a soundserver named JACK i installed and try ed it but without success.

i hope i made my problem clear (because English isn't my native language)
Also my linux skills are not worthy, but i refuse to go back to winXP

thx for any help...
Old 02-16-2005, 10:44 AM   #2
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If you're using alsa you're searching for alsa sharing. I once did it with dmix and it worked OK if I ran that from the command line but I didn't got it to work with the scripts.
Old 02-16-2005, 11:38 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: Netherlands
Distribution: Mandrake / Ubuntu
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ok i will read there to see if it is possible.

In the meantime i was already downloading Mandrake 10.2 beta, they have the new alsa in it with source sharing enabled.

But first i try it out, because i wanna give Ubuntu a try.

THX for you're reply..


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