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Old 07-03-2011, 09:58 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2011
Posts: 47

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sound delay with vlc and totem movie player


recently, i have experience sound delay problems while using vlc, so i started using totem movie player until i could figure out the problem with vlc. now, i'm having the same problem with the totem player.

my distro is ubuntu 11.04.

for a long time, vlc was working fine but then something happened - and i can't seem to identify what that was - that has caused the sound to be several seconds too late. i tried adjusting the audio desynchronization compensation but that has no effect. now that the same problem is happening with the totem player, i have the feeling it's not just vlc but is instead perhaps something wrong with my distro or system.

can anyone help me out? i have been using ubuntu for a few months now but still haven't worked out all the bugs or how to correctly use the system. now that i have a little more time, i want to get more of the hang of it.

thanks in advance!
Old 07-03-2011, 10:46 AM   #2
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Perhaps try Mplayer, then the + and - keys will mess with the audio/video synchronisation, I think, will be in the interactive controls section of the manual. It is usually best to build mplayer yourself from svn source, but probably just try the Ubuntu version and see what happens.

gnome-control-center and then click the sound thing might give some clues, don't know.
Old 07-03-2011, 02:51 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2011
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thanks for the reply!

i'm trying out mplayer now to see if i like it but it doesn't solve the problem i had with the other players. if it happened first with vlc and then with totem, what's to stop it from happening to mplayer?

but at least i have a new player to toy around with.
Old 07-03-2011, 09:44 PM   #4
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You're logic, I grant, is impecable. But mplayer may still work OK. It is + and - which fiddles with a/v sync.
Old 08-22-2011, 01:18 PM   #5
Registered: Feb 2011
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while toying around with vlc, i discovered the 'synchronization' tab with the equalizer. here, you can adjust the number of seconds delay between video and sound. sometimes, when i load a movie/video, it sets the sync at -4s. i just put it back to 0s and there's no more problem. my main issue was with vlc; i never bothered to find out how to solve it with the totem movie player as i don't use that one anyway.


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