Well I changed the keyboard appearance with Yast to Belgium because my keyboard is azerty, so when I did that in linux it also was azerty, after a reboot it changed to qwerty.
After every reboot i have to open yast and click belgium, Belgium is still highlighted but it only sets it to azerty if i click it again and save, why does it keep changing back?
Also, is there a way to let someone get acces to your computer, and let him move ur mousse, etc. because I really cant install drivers for my Nvidia fx 5500 and also cant use that wine emulator so if someone could like f.e add me on msn and show this to me on my computer that would really help. msn:
Im using suse 9.2
hope to hear from u guys soon, this forum already did so much for me.
ps: this is my 2nd day using linux, need someone who can show me things