SNMP linux
I'm training for a certification linux.
I find difficulties on few question if you can help me for having the answers.
==> Give the command line for positioning the object to the value sysContact "" ??
==>Donner une commande vous permettant de parcourir complètement l'arbre system ??
==>The following lines in / etc / snmp / snmpd.conf:
# source community
com2sec notConfigUser default public
a) the public community is associated with the name of security notConfigUser
b) the public community can read and write (access by default) on all objects
c) the public community is prohibited except in the default LAN ??
==> Comment the following line in the configuration file of snmpd ??
ps . exec / bin / ps
==> Knowing that the object interface is structured as follows:
+ - interfaces (2)
*** |
*** + --- R - Integer32 ifNumber (1)
*** |
*** + - ifTable (2)
****** |
****** + - ifEntry (1)
********* | Index: ifIndex
********* |
********* + --- R - Integer32 ifIndex (1)
********* | Textual Convention: InterfaceIndex
********* | Range: 1 .. 2147483647
********* + --- R - String ifDescr (2)
********* | Textual Convention: DisplayString
********* | Size: 0 .. 255
********* + --- R - EnumVal ifType (3)
********* | Textual Convention: IANAifType
********* | Values: other (1), regular1822 (2), ...
********* + --- R - Integer32 ifMtu (4)
********* + --- R - Gauge ifSpeed (5)
********* + --- R - String ifPhysAddress (6)
********* | Textual Convention: PhysAddress
********* + --- RW-EnumVal ifAdminStatus (7)
********* | Values: up (1), down (2), testing (3)
********* + --- R - EnumVal ifOperStatus (8)
********* | Values: up (1), down (2), testing (3), unknown (4) ...
********* + --- R - TimeTicks ifLastChange (9)
********* + --- R - Counter ifInOctets (10)
********* + --- R - Counter ifInUcastPkts (11)
********* + --- R - Counter ifInNUcastPkts (12)
********* + --- R - Counter ifInDiscards (13)
********* + --- R - Counter ifInErrors (14)
********* + --- R - Counter ifInUnknownProtos (15)
********* + --- R - Counter ifOutOctets (16)
********* + --- R - Counter ifOutUcastPkts (17)
********* + --- R - Counter ifOutNUcastPkts (18)
********* + --- R - Counter ifOutDiscards (19)
********* + --- R - Counter ifOutErrors (20)
********* + --- R - Gauge ifOutQLen (21)
********* + --- R - ObjID ifSpecific (22) + - ipAddrTable (20)
On the Web server using and version 2c and community Adm23, give the command line to:
==> display the interface table ??
==> display the number of error packets received by the Ethernet interface (2) ??
==>désactiver l'interface wifi (interface 3) ??
==> Give the command to have the disk space available in the / var partition of server (community: Adm23 Version: 2c) ??
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards