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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 11-27-2009, 01:35 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2008
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I'm a linux newbie.I have 2 doubts

1.when you create a file in a directory, group will get only read permissions. So you need to do changes so that for that user when ever he creates a file complete group should be having write permissions on that file

2.there are two groups group1 and group2 and user user1's primary group is group1. make changes so that user1 can do any changes in group2.

can someone answer these with explanations

Old 11-27-2009, 03:03 AM   #2
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Hi, How ya goin"?

Just have a look at (without quotes) "man chgrp", "man chmod", "man chown". ("man chage" for passwords)

in a terminal/shell

that may help!

regards Glenn
Old 11-27-2009, 03:32 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by sskraju View Post
1.when you create a file in a directory, group will get only read permissions. So you need to do changes so that for that user when ever he creates a file complete group should be having write permissions on that file
This can be addresse with the umask setting. Check out man umask or search the forum for permission there should be plenty of links to get you going.
Old 11-27-2009, 09:22 AM   #4
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1.when you create a file in a directory, group will get only read permissions.
This could be intended by the admin for your protection. If you want your 'Group' to have read and write access, you can do this:

user@host-$ chmod 775 /folder/filename

doing this your group can Read, Write and Execute the file you allowed them. but this is not advisable either, do it to your own risk.

So you need to do changes so that for that user when ever he creates a file complete group should be having write permissions on that file
You can make a global change by altering the mask. Again this is not safe.

user@host--$ sudo umask 0002

then whatever he creates the group can Read, Write and Execute. Not safe!

2.there are two groups group1 and group2 and user user1's primary group is group1. make changes so that user1 can do any changes in group2.
can someone answer these with explanations
make user1 a member to group2. Use your applet, its so easy.

Next time please specify what distro you are running so that the answers can pinpoint an effective solution for you. Meantime, to hasten up experience with Linux it is good to download here a tutorial and read from it anything you wanted to know about permissions, groups, users, and important commands.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.

Last edited by malekmustaq; 11-27-2009 at 09:24 AM.
Old 11-27-2009, 11:17 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by sskraju View Post
I'm a linux newbie.I have 2 doubts

1.when you create a file in a directory, group will get only read permissions. So you need to do changes so that for that user when ever he creates a file complete group should be having write permissions on that file

2.there are two groups group1 and group2 and user user1's primary group is group1. make changes so that user1 can do any changes in group2.

can someone answer these with explanations

Smells like homework to me!

Just a few links to aid you;

Linux Documentation Project
Rute Tutorial & Exposition
Linux Command Guide
Utimate Linux Newbie Guide
Getting Started with Linux
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
Virtualiation- Top 10

The above links and others can be found at 'Slackware-Links'. More than just SlackwareŽ links!


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