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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 04-30-2012, 05:12 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2012
Location: Pembroke, UK
Distribution: Slackware
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Question Slackware 13.37 after login darkstar:~# - What now?

Slackware 13.37 I have installed this and rebooted. I arrived at login and after googling I entered root (I did not set a password purposely).
This was accepted and I now have the prompt darkstar:~#
I have no idea how to get beyond this and into some sort of GUI.
This is my first toe-in-the-water attempt with LINUX.
TIA for any advice.
Old 04-30-2012, 05:17 AM   #2
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Okay. While installing did you install X? If you did, you could get a GUI prompt by typing startx on the prompt. But this is a bad idea to not have a password for root account. You should create a new non root account and use that for day to day work and only use root for administrative tasks.
Old 04-30-2012, 05:17 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2012
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startx -- but I would setup another user and definitely put a root password on that (command is passwd).

Google is your friend for most of the basic things including for the question you asked.
Old 04-30-2012, 05:22 AM   #4
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I am not sure if your attempt at slackware was just a random selection or by design but Slackware is a distribution for typically more advanced users. Think of it as a car enthusiasts who plans on restoring an old 57 chevy who found a car with an engine block inside a frame and some tires. You build he rest. If you want that kind of challenge I have attached a link that may help with your Linux / Slackware education.

First Hint : startx ( This may work----> Depends on what you did so far)

If this is not what you intended I would suggest looking at either Linux Mint (almost everything is done for you) or Debian Sqeeze ( alot is set up for you, but still requires some learning to get it fully set up.)

Good Luck & Welcome to the fun world of Linux !!!!
Old 04-30-2012, 06:58 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Question Why Slackware

First I tried startx and that got me into a GUI - Thanks.

Second I chose SLACKWARE because I tried MINT and it crashed the PC. I tried UBUNTU and it crashed the PC (In an almost identical manner) So not being one to give up I tried SLAX which I ran from the CD fine. Everything was OK graphics wise, I was able to access the internet (wirelessly) without problem. So I thought I would try the slackware DVD and boot from hard disk. Then what didn't work I could play around with until it did or I had to junk it.

I have a pair of Logitech Z10 speakers connected via USB but no sound so far. The installation disk for them looks like it's for windows. I cannot find any LINUX instructions whatsoever. I sort of expected a generic USB speaker driver to install. Is this too optimistic?


Old 04-30-2012, 07:25 AM   #6
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Hi biker-skibum. Congratulation on installing Slackware.
Like others pointed out you should create a user account and log in to that account for everyday use. Log into your root account only if you are doing administrative tasks.

You can also set KDM if you prefer to log in to in the graphical mode, or depend what is your desktop manager you can set up XDM or GDM. That is the little screen that let you log in. You will have to change the run lever.

There is a Slackware sub-forum under the linux distribution forums you can post your Slackware questions there.

Good luck to you!
Old 04-30-2012, 10:06 AM   #7
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I sort of expected a generic USB speaker driver to install. Is this too optimistic?
If you mean on the Logitech installation disk, yes. Not likely to have Linux drivers there.
If they are connected by usb port, run "lsusb" command without quotes and post the output, particularly anything pertaining to speakers.
You could try search by the name of your speakers and add Linux to it on google or whichever search engine you use. Have you checked settings in KMix, should be a sound icon or you could run alsamixer in a terminal (as root).


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