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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 02-11-2005, 07:52 PM   #1
Mr. Hill
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: Pepperland
Distribution: Arch Wombat, FreeBSD Current, OpenBSD 3.7
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Slack is giving me problems and now I can't access anything

I raced home today after school (nearly went home after lunch but I didn't..) to put on Slack 10.0 and after a long battle I can't access anything on my PC, let me explain...

I first start by deleting everything on my hard drive made just for Linux (this had RH and a few other things on it). *I have two hard discs by the way*. I put in the disc everything goes sort of smoothly until it tells me it can't install Slack because I need some sort of partition - I think that it is no problem. I go into cfdisck and try to write in a partition yet it's not seeing my "just for Linux" disc. Only my Win 80 gig that's spil into two by a partition. So it's seeing two discs but they both belong to Win.

I get angry and eject the disc. I press the restart button and it shoots me into a command line, and then it hit me. Grub was on that partition I just deleted. So now I can't access Win or anything. My dad says he can get Win back up so that's not huge right now. I just mainly need help with Slack and it's partition garbage. A quick response would be GREATLY appreciated considering I am not typing this from my own computer. Thank you.
Old 02-11-2005, 08:43 PM   #2
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I'm guessing your Linux drive is primary slave or the like? And you didn't do '[c]fdisk /dev/hdb'? Try that, if not. Once you get Slack on, it'll boot Windows for you if you want. If not, try to spell out in detail your arrangement and the exact commands you're issuing.

And - coming from someone who's been known to get slightly irritated every now and then - try to keep calm when things don't go right. I mean, cool to yell and throw stuff but don't issue any computer commands at that point in time.
Old 02-11-2005, 08:51 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: VT, USA
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To quickly get windows back up and running, do this:

Insert the Windows2k/XP cd
Boot to the recovery console (on screen instructions)

Try setting up your partitions with another distribution's livecd first - like knoppix or gentoo. make a /boot and install grub from the livecd (knoppix has it I'm pretty sure), don't let slack touch it until after it installs - like, let slack make it's own /boot in / and don't let slack install the boot loader. From there just troubleshoot a little until it works. Are these regular old PATA disks, or SATA? Any controller cards?

If you give me more info I'll try to help more.

Last edited by CoolAJ86; 02-11-2005 at 09:01 PM.
Old 02-11-2005, 09:16 PM   #4
Mr. Hill
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: Pepperland
Distribution: Arch Wombat, FreeBSD Current, OpenBSD 3.7
Posts: 238

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Rep: Reputation: 30
OK, thanks for the info but ironically my dad just ran bootfix but thank you anyways.

As for more info I'm a bit confused... I think I'm going to just put on RH (only the third time....) and fully master it before I go messing with Slack. Maybe it's just a bit too much OS for me too handle.
Old 02-12-2005, 07:55 AM   #5
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: VT, USA
Distribution: Gentoo, Ubuntu - t3h 1337 & the easy, respectively
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Rep: Reputation: 15
If you're learning GNU/Linux, I'd have to say that Fedora (Red Hat) and SuSE are the worst distros to start with. They're nice because you can see how powerfull GNU/Linux really is, but you hardly learn anything about GNU/Linux using them, IMHO.

I would strongly suggest Gentoo, being as that almost nothing is set up for you (although there is AMPLE documentation available), Debian, or Slackware. Once you learn the system, then you could go back (though I don't know why you would) and use one of the 'Click N Run' type distros.

I say this because a friend of mine picked up SAMS Learn Fedora in 24 Hours and a copy of Fedora. One night he was having problems with his system and all he knew what to do was all gui based and very limited. I on the other hand, having had the '"figure it out" experience with Gentoo, was able to effectively google the symptoms, get in the CLI, and hack away at the promblem.

I guess it's really a matter of this: Do you want to be a User or teh 1337? Because if you don't really have any goal of being sysadmin or anything like that - you just need an OS that is easy to use and works, then I'd reccomend Fedora Core, SuSE, Vidalinux (Gentoo with everything done for you), Ubuntu, Knoppix, Mandrake, or one of the Commercial distros such as Xandros, Linspire, or Linaire which are all in the ballpark of $40 and provide a support plan as well.


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