Simple Linux questions
Hi Can anybody give me the answers for the folowing questions as I am new to the Linux operating system
Why does RedHat use the same number for a user’s UID and GID?
Why does RedHat use this scheme?
Why bother having groups at all?
Where would you mount a remote filesystem?
What is the difference between a collision domain and a broadcast domain?
How exactly does a machine determine if another machine is on the same network?
If I have a class C network address allocation, can I supernet it to accommodate more (say twice the number of) hosts?
Calculate a) the subnet mask, b) the number of usable host addresses on each subnet, c) the number of subnets; for a network subnetted on the 28/4 boundary?How many 'dual-homed' hosts (routers) would be required for your solution?
How can you calculate address space lost because of subnetting?
Thank you very much in advance