Is there some basic method to help track down the problem I am having here I don't even know where to begin.
I looked in /var/log/syslog: and found a few things that look amiss but couldn't find out how to fix them.
kernel: vt596+smbus 0000:000"07.4: smbus: error: host smbus controller not enabled: upgrade BIOS or use force-l
kernel: failed initialization of WD-700 SCSI card!
kernel: via 686 0000:000:07.4: Base address not set-upgrade BIOS or use force_addr=oxaddr
kernel: kobject_add failed uhci_hcd with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same dire$
sshd[2758]: error: Bind to part 22 on failed: address already inuse.
"force-l" where do I need to use this option?
I believe I am using the latest BIOS but I will double check.
"...-EEXIST..." Sounds like Kde is not quite configured correctly?
Also, because of the black screen lockup I always have to press and hold the power button to get a reboot. I am worried that one of these times it will hose my system! Maybe I should go back to 10.2 because I don't remember any of these issues with that version. Also, I think Slackware 10.2 was quite a bit more responsive on this old clunker, but I havent done any testing to prove it.
Thanks for you help so far.