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Old 02-18-2002, 09:28 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2002
Distribution: Red Ha 7.2
Posts: 1

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Shutdown problems with Red Hat 7.2

Hello all,

It has been a couple of years since I used unix and I am new to linux. I have recently installed Red Hat 7.2 with kernel verion 2.4.7-10. I have a couple of problems, but I will start with the most important.

I have tried many different methods of shutting down. I have used the shutdown command, the halt command, the init command, etc. and all produce the same results. The X server seems to shutdown okay, but then my screen goes blank and the power indicator on my monitor just starts blinking. I have waited for up to an hour for something to happen but nothing. I have to hold in my power button for 5 seconds in order to shut off the computer.

When ever I reboot into linux I always get a message saying that it was shutdown improperly and it recovers lost inodes and such. This has been going on for a couple of weeks and I know that one of these days it will not boot up. Thanks for your help!!
Old 02-18-2002, 11:40 PM   #2
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I'd suggest that you shutdown X first, then try to halt. Or even try booting without X. It sounds like something is getting stuck in your rc.6 script (shutdown) and shuting down in text mode may show you where. You can also try, from a command prompt, sh -x rc.6. The rc.6 script does the unmounting of file systems and we know that yours are not being properly unmounted, so the script is either not being run or is failing mid way.


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