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Old 05-20-2012, 10:34 AM   #16
Registered: Nov 2011
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Originally Posted by mr.cracker View Post
I had already installed cygwin. but in windows there is no kernel. Then how it is possible?? Is the shellcode is mainly focus on Unix like system?
Linux got a kernel.
Windows got a kernel.
Mac OS got a kernel.

A kernel is just a word for the very innermost tasks a Operating System. These are managing the memory, detecting and serving all hardware pieces and take care about the rights.

These tasks have to be done no matter how the resulting system is called.

If you write "shellcode" in windows, you can execute this code on a Linuxbox.
If, and only if this code is written for a linux shell.
Linux has a load of different shells. "bash" "dash" "ksh" "tsh" just to name a few.

If yxou are writing "shellcode" for the "powershell" you can run this code in windows as "powershell" is a windows shell. It won't run on a linux box.

If you install "cygwin" in windows, you are able to run real Linux shellscripts.
If you install "wine" on a Linux box, you are able to run Powershell scripts on Linux.
But in this two cases they run in a kind of simulation of the other operating system.

So again: You can write "shellcode" with every editor on every operating system.
But the written code is only executable on the corresponding platform.
Old 05-21-2012, 11:50 AM   #17
Registered: May 2012
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Originally Posted by catkin View Post
As Nylex asked (and you did not answer), what do you mean by "shell-code"? Maybe shellcode or shell script.

Shellcode may be written in any language. Shell script is written in the language of the shell it is designed for. Windows has the CMD shell (when running cmd.exe). Linux has many shells; bash is popular.

According to Wikipedia the GUI may also be called a shell. In that case it's the Windows GUI and on Linux it is the desktop GUI and there are several to choose from: Gnome, KDE, Xfce etc.

Both Linux and Windows have a kernel.

There are many places online and many books about programming command line shells such as CMD and bash.
Thanks for the information. But i have some more doubts.
You said that shellcode may be written in any language.That is,can i write the shellcode in c,c++,jave etc.??
And, Does an OS has more than one shell?
And you said that "Windows has the CMD shell (when running cmd.exe)."
Does there is no shell without running CMD in windows?
Old 05-21-2012, 12:04 PM   #18
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Again, read the Wikipedia article about shellcode.
Then read this LQ rule:
Posts containing information about cracking, piracy, warez, fraud or any topic that could be damaging to either or any third party will be immediately removed.
That means asking questions on those subjects, too.
Old 05-21-2012, 12:50 PM   #19
Registered: Mar 2012
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Give this on smashing the stack a read Mr. Cracker. I don't know if its up to date. This article came out a while ago. It's written by Aleph one and hosted by

I think the stack has a precaution enabled called randomization built in now. Your code would need an nop sled/padding added to work correctly or if your testing your own code you could disable stack randomization. To disable the SR-->
cat/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
You would need the basics of assembly at the very least. It can become quite complicated! Interesting topic though!

Last edited by Tinkster; 05-22-2012 at 02:32 AM.


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