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Old 02-13-2005, 08:59 PM   #1
Travis Huey
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
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Sharing internet between WIN XP and REDHAT

Alright, i just got linux on my comp a few days ago, trying to get a Internet connection on it. before i had these 2 comps both win XP, let me lay out how i have em set up.

Comp 1 ( XP ) has 2 NIC cards (linksys LNE100TX ver.5.1 )
one of them is hooked up to the DSL modem

Comp 2 ( red hat 9.0 ) has 1 NIC card ( same kind ) and is connected
to Comp 1 with a cross over cable.

DSL modem, speedstreem, its all hardware, so everyting is run inside. has a Ethernet port, and a USB port. it can act as a router.

Problems, ive walked threw a few guides alrdy, i can now ping both net cards. have the IP's netmasks, DNS's all set up and working fine. But i cant seem to relay internet threw the netcard.

Im starting to think it cant be done, and i have to use the modems USB port to throw internet at my Linux box, or buy a router ( prolly the easiest solution, but im poor ).

Also on the subject of useing the USB from the router on there, with 9.0 i cant see to get redhat to think i can use USB for a DSL connection, or any network device for that matter.

Any Tips or help would be nice.
Old 02-13-2005, 09:24 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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post the contents of the file




and the IP of ur win machine

also have u enabled internet sharing from ur win machine

Old 02-13-2005, 09:32 PM   #3
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The 'better' way to do it would be have the linux box share the connection if possible...

The 'best' way is to have another smoothwall router box IMO. (ie pentium 120, etc)
Old 02-13-2005, 09:33 PM   #4
Travis Huey
LQ Newbie
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Win machine IP = ( thats the netcard connected to it and the linux machine at lest )

and yes, internet sharing is on

I dont want to make the linux box the reciver of internet, cuz its extreamly old and slow so i dont want it to slow down this ( win box ) because of that, and i dont want this comp useing the USB port, same reasons.

Last edited by Travis Huey; 02-13-2005 at 09:35 PM.
Old 02-13-2005, 09:42 PM   #5
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I think you really need to tell us more about the hardware, what the machines actually are and the actual OS version, etc...

BTW, boxes that really are old and slow make excellent gateways - like pentium 120's and so forth, even 486's - if you just want a gateway firewall box.
Old 02-13-2005, 09:46 PM   #6
Travis Huey
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Win box, 1.6ghz intel, 512 ram, Windows XP home SP2
Linux box, 700mhz AMD-K62 126 ram Linux Redhat 9.0 ( no updates, what ever is the latest ISO's they have on the FTP at )

purpose isnt a firewall box or anyting, i just want a secondary computer that runs linux and has internet, so i can learn linux some more

Last edited by Travis Huey; 02-13-2005 at 09:47 PM.
Old 02-13-2005, 09:58 PM   #7
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Just offering the best advice I have.

A 700mhz machine, even a K6, is not an old slow machine for linux and it would not even begin to slow the internet connection to a win box. It would handle it much more reliably and safely and double as a firewall. It is the better solution to use it to share. Also a good learning experiment. Linux is MADE for this sort of thing from the core up, unlike windows.

A current distro is always a good idea. MDK10.1, FC3, etc.

The best option is to find and old pentium (usually for free) and build a router box with smoothwall (35meg free download) and it does DHCP and firewall and everything and makes it real easy to share a net comection with multiple machines and it makes a nice safe firewall as well - and solves all the IP and sharing hassles.

We asume the K6 is overclocked
Old 02-13-2005, 10:03 PM   #8
Travis Huey
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thats what ill prolly do after i get another computer, but for now i kinda need both of these up and running, with internet.
Old 02-13-2005, 10:10 PM   #9
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Well, should be doable. I don't use Windows net sharing tho, so no help there... If they are networked and pinging then it's just the win net sharing you need to configure correctly...
Old 02-14-2005, 12:10 AM   #10
Travis Huey
LQ Newbie
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well i guess it looks like i got a Windows problem now heh, anyone good with XP's network?

I guess if you guys think having a slow ass comp wont slow down my internet i could make it the primary computer.... but i do alot of heavy bandwith things on the windows comp
Old 02-14-2005, 01:11 AM   #11
LQ Guru
Registered: May 2003
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run "setup" on ur RH 9.0 BOX

go to networking

set ur ip addresses and netwmask and default gateway as IP of windows machine and DNS server

after that exit from there


service network restart

and see if it works



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