ssh to your box.
Make sure
vncserver is installed, if not, install it.
In your
~/.vnc/xstartup you'll need something like this:
startkde &
if you are using KDE
Then start it, and have it run in the background. eg
vnserver :1 1024x768 -depth 24 &
On your other box, connect to the vncserver that is running on display 1 on the suse box:
vncviewer name_of_suse_box:1
vncviewer LAN.IP.OF.SUSEBOX:1
One of my servers starts a
vncserver for me at boot, with this line in
su - myusername -c "cd /home/myusername/ && vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24" &
That means I can connect to it with
vncviewer anytime I like.
vnc is
neat, and surprisingly easy to set up!
Give it a go!
Edit Here's a simple tutorial /howto for you: