Originally Posted by {BBI}Nexus{BBI}
If you are trying to add your printer via the KDE Control Centre that's the wrong place to do it. Instead you need to use Mandriva Control Centre (also known as Configure your computer) do Alt & F2 then type mcc and click run, enter your root password then go to the Hardware section.
When I go to mmc and click on "set up printer(s)..." it says:
"Could not install the CUPS printing system"
when I search for CUPS inside software management, some stuff came up, I installed it and now nothing new comes up, still the same problem
Any other ideas on how to get my printer to work? It worked fine in pclinuxos 2007 and fedora, just not mandriva which is what I want to use as my OS.
I found a suggestion to use "urpmi cups" as a command to fix this problem and the result is:
# urpmi cups
A requested package cannot be installed:
cups-common-1.3.0-3.3mdv2008.0.i586 (due to unsatisfied libslp.so.1)
Continue installation anyway? (Y/n) y
What is libslp.so.1 and what does this message mean?
In a how-to website, it says:
2. Install a PPD file.
CUPS requires a PPD file to define how it will use the printer and driver (if any). PPD files come from several sources, be sure you get yours from the right place:
If you have a PostScript printer
Obtain the PPD file from your printer's vendor. Typically it will be carefully hidden somewhere in your vendor's "driver" for Windows. We also distribute some PPD files here. You do not need a driver (Step 1), just the PPD file.
If you do not have a PostScript printer
There are two sources for non-PostScript printer PPDs under CUPS:
If your printer uses a CUPS Raster driver (Gimp-Print for CUPS, samsung's lpp kit, etc)
Use the PPD file that came with the driver. Gimp-print, for example, will generate and install a set of PPD files at compile time.
If you have any other style of driver
Obtain a PPD file from this website for the driver you want to use. Look for "download PPD" links near the driver names on your printer's page. If a driver has no "download PPD" link, there is insufficient data to generate a PPD for the entry; in that case, see the text of the driver entry.
Save the PPD file in the directory /usr/share/cups/model/ (this may be a different location for you, but it will be called "something/cups/model/"). The PPD file does not need to be executable, but it should be world-readable and should have the file name extension ".ppd".
How do I find out what type of printer I have (post script, raster, other)?