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Old 09-08-2004, 05:16 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: England
Distribution: Mandrake 9.2
Posts: 17

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Question Setting up an internet connection with an ASDL modem

I am attempting to move from Windows98 over to Mandrake Linux 9.2, but having an internet connection is very important to me, I can't run the setup files on the disks for my modem and ISP, as they are Windows exes.

I am using a SiteCom ASDL Homestation to connect, along with 2 other computers in the house, my connection to the modem uses a USB wire, and my ISP is tiscali.

I don't know much about Linux, and I am new to configuring internet connections even in Windows, so please explain things in as simple a way as possible.

Old 09-08-2004, 08:00 AM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: London, England
Distribution: Mandrake 10.1
Posts: 300

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Re: Setting up an internet connection with an ASDL modem

Originally posted by classicalcraig
I am using a SiteCom ASDL Homestation to connect, along with 2 other computers in the house, my connection to the modem uses a USB wire, and my ISP is tiscali.
I'd say that was your problem right there.
Just had a look at SiteCom's website, and they don't appear to produce their own Linux drivers for their stuff (so what else is new?).
This doesn't mean that drivers aren't available for your modem - it just means they won't be written by the manufacturer, and you'll have to search for them. Knowing the chipset inside the modem is a great place to start, as most modem drivers are written for chipsets rather than specific manufacturer/model numbers.

Alternatively, and also to save yourself a lot of grief (modem drivers aren't the easiest thing to configure for newcomers) why don't you get yourself an ethernet/router connection?
These are a lot easier to configure; your eth card should be picked up and configured automatically by Mandy, and as a router doesn't need any operating system specific drivers, it's one less hassle to worry about. You can also connection share your other PC's with a router too.
As you're in the UK, the DSL warehouse does some blinding deals - this package will sort you right out. Everything you need in one box.

Also advise you upgrade to Mandrake 10.0 official as you'll get better out of the box hardware suppport.
Old 09-08-2004, 09:44 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: England
Distribution: Mandrake 9.2
Posts: 17

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Rep: Reputation: 0

Thanks for that, I was hoping not to have to purchase any new parts for some time, as I already discovered a couple of omissions on my part. I guess its all part of the learning.


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