Setting up accounts in Evolution
Twice in about the last two years, I was coerced to update Ubuntu. With that, I have twice lost saved emails, and all my contacts from Thunderbird. I figure that by using Evolution, that might be able to save this loss, but I cannot seem to set up the account quite right?
This is what comes up after setting up account. I have tried a lot of different things, and I have set up accounts b4. What am I doing wrong???!!!
Error while fetching mail
Failed to connect to POP server in secure mode: STLS not supported by server
I hit Edit>preferences, and then click edit accounts. This allows me to click
the 'Receiving Emails" tab. There is a section 'Security' in that
window. the pull-down options are: 'No encryption', 'TLS encryption'
and 'SSL encryption' ?
Also, I cannot find where to input the password for the email account
that is required from the ISP for access to the email account. I am at
a loss. Blechhh!