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Old 12-06-2007, 06:43 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Location: New Hampshire
Distribution: Mandriva 2008
Posts: 29

Rep: Reputation: 15
Setting up a domain name?

I have a web server installed on my Mandriva 2008 server. I can't connect to it by typing http://mandriva (mandriva is the hostname) but I want to have it so my friends can connect to it with a domain name rather than the IP.

How can I do this?
Old 12-06-2007, 06:59 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Depending on where your friends on (inside your network, outside your network) you may or may not have to register a domain name (or get a free one from somewhere like If they are internal then it's as easy as getting a centralized DNS server (usually a router has one in it, you just have to figure out if you can manipulate it or need to disable it and let your Mandriva system do the DNS for your network) to resolve your hostname to your IP. Then (for any device who uses your DNS server as a DNS server which should be most if you setup your network right) all you have to do is what you've noted above.

If they are outside your network and you have to get a domain name registered, you would need to use port forwarding from your router (you do have a router right?) to point port 80 (the http port) to that machine; this is called Port Forwarding in a lot of routers but might be called something like Applications and Gaming depending on your router type. If you have no router or firewall then all you will need to do is setup your new domain to resolve to your IP (something like; not 192.168.1.X or 10.0.0.X).

Good luck!

Old 12-06-2007, 07:04 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Location: New Hampshire
Distribution: Mandriva 2008
Posts: 29

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Rep: Reputation: 15
My friends are outside my network. I'm checking out that site right now. That computer is set up as a DMZ Host so I dont need to forward any ports.

Thank you


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