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Old 10-11-2004, 09:17 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
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separate drives for Win-ME & Linux

Looking for some specific instructions....first time Linux install
Just pointing me to a website or something even would be appreciated

current system
800mhz PC
Drive C 40GB HD running Windows ME
Drive D 12GB unformatted

I want to dual-boot Linux Red Hat 6.0 on the D Drive only

Can that be done?
or does there have to be a small Linux partition on the C drive just for the boot sector?

truly a newbie...but hoping you can help me...just get a start on this..

My best,
Old 10-11-2004, 09:37 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Windows ME doesn't appear to have any way to load more than one os like 98,2k, & xp. You will either have to install the Linux bootloader to the windows hard drive (not partition, see below), or bot linux from a floppy.
If you choose to install the bootloader to the windows drive, no partitions will be created. The hard disk's MBR is where the bootloader will be placed. You can restore the Windows MBR with the rescue floppy (see control panel->add/remove software). From the DOS floppy, run 'fdisk /mbr' and the Windows MBR will be restored.
Old 10-13-2004, 11:56 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
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Thank you for the reply honest

I will look into how to make a Linux Boot Floppy.then how to install the rest onto the D drive

My best,
Old 10-14-2004, 12:22 AM   #4
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The install program will do the work of partitioning the second hard drive for you.

Linux has no problem installing the boot loader on a fat partition. (/dev/hda) There are two loaders you could use, lilo and grub. If you go with what the installer says, you will be fine. When you are done, there will be a multiboot menu when you start, and you can start up either windows or linux from there.

Be sure that you make a Windows ME rescue disk. It will allow you boot up and run 'fdisk /mbr' if for some reason you need restore the original windows MBR.

By the way, in linux the second hard drive is called /hdb for an IDE drive. The first partition is called /hdb1, the second regular partition is called /hda2. If you have an extended partition, it is /hdb4, even if you don't have other regular partiitons. The partitions contained in the extended partition start at /hdb5.


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