First, SELinux is not a "firewall." It's a system, developed (originally) by the U.S. Federal National Security Agency, that places addition labels on files in your file system that are checked, every time the file is accessed, to verify that the access requested does not violate the security policy established for the specific file label.
Second, Fedora 8 is no longer a supported version of the Fedora distribution. (The only currently supported versions are Fedora 11 and Fedora 12. The Fedora project releases a new version about every six months and supports only the prior release. [The actual policy is a little more complicated, but that's its essence.])
Third, the system-config-selinux app (or the equivalent from the GNOME or KDE menu) should offer you an option to run in "permissive" mode where access that would have been denied is reported, but permitted. If you're running a single (or small number) user system, one that's not a Web server, running in "permissive" mode (and periodically reviewing the reports) may be a reasonable option.
Fourth, the nVidia driver is unlikely to be involved. More likely is that the games are trying to modify their configuration state files in /etc, and your policy is not allowing that update to take place. Since you will not receive any updates to your F8 system (including SELinux policy updates), you will need to install a local policy that allows the acces you need.
Last edited by PTrenholme; 12-26-2009 at 03:30 PM.