Hi there!!
I trying to make amule to start at 1am and to turn off at 7pm
To do that i think of using crontab to make it start and thats ok but as far as i know later there's no way of stopping it.
So i made a start script to start amule and also to store its pid so that later i can kill/stop it when the proper hour comes.
I tested the script and it worked fine when i ran it manually but when inserted in the crontab it doesn't fire up amule...
There are the scripts (dont laught at it ... is the first i've done
startup script
amule & mulepid=$!
echo $mulepid > $hm/.aMule/id
# to know what pid is
echo id is $mulepid
end scipt
#reads the amule current id; previously set by the start script
read NAME < $hm/.aMule/id
echo id is $NAME
#kills amule
kill $NAME
The problem seems to be with the start script because amule doesnt start when schedulled by the crontab but runs fine when i start it manually (as said above)
I've chmod +x to the scripts and put it in /usr/local/bin and named it str and end
so they are "seen" by crontab right??
There's the way i'm invoking it within crontab
00 01 * * * str
00 07 * * * end
I'm missing something but i cant figure out what...
What maybe the problem?