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Old 05-02-2012, 01:05 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2012
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Script to compare filenames in a directory, sort and delete

Hello All,

I shoot RAW and JPEG images on my camera. These are then copied to a folder on the computer.
The photo folder, as a result, contains image pairs -- file1.cr2, file1.jpg... file2.cr2, file2.jpg and so on.

Since jpg files load faster, I view and then delete the unwanted jpgs from the folder... So now I'm left with some file pairs and some isolated *.cr2 files.

Some folders have 2000+ files in them.

Is there a script/programme to find *.cr2 files that do NOT have a corresponding *.jpg file and delete them?

Thank you, in advance, for your help.

Old 05-02-2012, 01:13 AM   #2
Registered: Feb 2010
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Note: Remove the 'echo' command in front of 'rm' to actually delete the files.



find . -name \*.cr2 |\
while read CR2FILE; do
   JPGFILE=$( echo $CR2FILE | sed 's/cr2$/jpg/' )
   [ -e $JPGFILE ] && continue

   echo rm -v $CR2FILE

Last edited by lazardo; 05-02-2012 at 01:21 AM.
Old 05-02-2012, 01:31 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2012
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Thanks for the quick response, Lazardo.

Here's what I did (Probably something I did was incorrect):

I copied your script
In a terminal, I went to the folder of photos
ran /bin/bash
then, pasted (shift-control-v) the script into the terminal
pressed enter.

Nothing happened. I was expecting the name (or names) of the cr2 files to be 'echoed' back.

What am I doing wrong?

Perhaps you could modify the script to rename all isolated files by prefixing a "1" to the filename -- that would cause them to relocate to the top of the folder if I sort by name. I could then easily select them and delete them...

Thanks for you help. I really appreciate this.


Old 05-02-2012, 01:45 AM   #4
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You can simplify the line with sed.
Run the find command on its own and see if it finds the .cr2 files. You need to be in the directory with the .cr2 files or a parent.

You could use the base directory of your photos directory in the find command, e.g.:
find /media/photos/ -name "*.cr2"

Also, the case of letters matters in Linux. If the extensions are .CR2, then change it in the script.

Last edited by jschiwal; 05-02-2012 at 01:46 AM.
Old 05-02-2012, 02:00 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Hi jschiwal,

Thanks for the input -- I changed references in the script to CR2 and JPG
instead of cr2 and jpg. Now, it seems to be parsing the files...

Here's the output now:


amit@amit-desktop:/media/FA1000/5D/29 April/D1$ /bin/bash
amit@amit-desktop:/media/FA1000/5D/29 April/D1$
amit@amit-desktop:/media/FA1000/5D/29 April/D1$ find . -name \*.CR2 |\
> while read CR2FILE; do
> JPGFILE=$( echo $CR2FILE | sed 's/CR2$/JPG/' )
> [ -e $JPGFILE ] && continue
> echo rm -v $CR2FILE
> done
bash: [: too many arguments
rm -v ./WIEGO (GC - IMG) (2012.04.29) (10016).CR2
bash: [: too many arguments
rm -v ./WIEGO (GC - IMG) (2012.04.29) (10017).CR2
bash: [: too many arguments

-------- there's many more "echoes" with the same error.

Also, the file *(10017).CR2 does have a JPG pair... I'm testing the script on a backup drive that has ALL pairs except 10016.CR2 (I've deleted just one JPG file in this directory)


Old 05-02-2012, 02:32 AM   #6
LQ Guru
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Enclose the variables inside double quotes. "${JPEGFILE}" and "${SC2FILE}". The spaces in filenames cause them to be split into separate entries. The parenthesis launch sub shells or create arrays. Dumb filenames will make working in the terminal and writing scripts more difficult.
This blog has an example using read -d $'\0' and -print0 in find to use null characters as separators.

Note, don't quote variables to the left of the equals sign, but to the right, where they are being referenced.
Old 05-02-2012, 02:56 AM   #7
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Also, you'll find it much easier if you put the code into a bash file and then run that file.
Old 05-02-2012, 03:25 AM   #8
LQ Newbie
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Hello jschiwal,

It works now! Thank you.

I did not know that parentheses caused these problems. Their usage as separators seemed natural to me.
I should have provided an example filename with my first post. Sorry about that.

For future reference, here's the code that worked:



find . -name \*.CR2 |\
while read CR2FILE; do
JPGFILE=$( echo "$CR2FILE" | sed 's/CR2$/JPG/' )
[ -e "$JPGFILE" ] && continue

echo rm -v "$CR2FILE"


Am marking the post "Solved". Thank you all for your help.


Old 05-02-2012, 07:46 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by OutsiderFilms View Post
[ -e "$JPGFILE" ] && continue
Can someone tell what it does [ -e "$JPGFILE" ]
Old 05-02-2012, 08:38 AM   #10
Registered: Aug 2008
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It checks if the file mentioned in the $JPGFILE variable exists.
Old 05-03-2012, 01:20 AM   #11
Registered: Feb 2010
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Originally Posted by OutsiderFilms View Post
Hi jschiwal,

Thanks for the input -- I changed references in the script to CR2 and JPG
instead of cr2 and jpg. Now, it seems to be parsing the files...
Lesson 1: Be accurate. 'cr2' is not equal to 'CR2', file and directory names are case-sensitive.

Lesson 2: Filenames and directories can have characters that are interpreted with special meanings by the shell. The errors were because spaces and parens were being interpreted outside the context of a filename.

Sorry about that, I don't use special characters in filenames


Last edited by lazardo; 05-03-2012 at 01:22 AM.


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