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Old 03-07-2005, 12:20 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 1

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Script to change folder permissions

I'm using Suse linux. I have 40 folders that have the same stucture of subfolders.

I need to run a script that will go through the 40 folders, find a specific subfolder in each one, and change permissions to that subfolder in each one of the 40 different folders.

for example:


I need the script to search "simpsons", "sopranos", "NYPDblue", find subfolder "Divx" and change the permissions to rwx for everyone.

P.S: I have never written a script for linux, and don't know if there is a seperate program I have to install to enable scripts.

Old 03-07-2005, 01:34 PM   #2
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Well, there are many ways to do this, from simply using the KFind gui and something like Konquoror, to writing a short script in Python, Perl, C, C++, or any other language that springs to mind. The simplest way, IMHO, is simply to use the "find" command that should be available on every system. Type man find into a shell to see what is possible (nearly everything is - it's a powerful command... beware ). But essentially what you want is something like the following:
find / -name 'Divx' -exec chmod -Rv a+rwx \{\} \;
In other words - ' find all files/directories starting from / named Divx, change the attributes recursively to rwx, and do it verbosely'. If you're likely to be doing this often, then you could paste the above into a file, change the file mode to executable (chmod u+x <filename>), and then all that would be left is to type ./ <filename> into a shell (in the same directory) to run it all over again.

From memory, SuSE doesn't include either Python nor the Gcc compiler by default (just install using Yast if wanted) but Bourne Shell scripts will be fine. For more info on shell scripts, have a read of Bash Guide for Beginners and later, Advanced Bash Scripting.




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