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Old 10-23-2007, 07:34 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2007
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SCP and permissions


Please help me with this problem. It concerns using Secure Shell SCP and user permissions.

I have 2 servers say and, each installed with RedHat Linux 7.3

These are the users and group created in each server.
Of course, for every user I created, there is a group created with the same name. The only group explicitly created is group5_1, which has one member, user5_admin.
Each user has its own home directory.
A directory, say invoices, is created in each home directory.

In, user1_admin runs scripts automatically, creates unique files and sends it through SCP to each of 3 users in user5_1, user5_2, user5_3's invoice directories.
Each of these users cannot read each other's directories. But user5_admin can.

So it may be a good idea to go to these users' invoice directories and make a chgrp group5_1 <directory>, so that user5_admin and the owners can see the files.

The question is when user1_admin copies the files, which user does he use to perform the scp? How do I change the permissions from using a remote command in SSH? I cannot run any scripts inside as it is solely used as a repository.
user1_admin (User)
user5_1 (User)
user5_2 (User)
user5_3 (User)
user5_admin (User)
group5_1 (Group) : user5_admin is a member

Let me know if the above is still not clear.
Old 10-23-2007, 07:38 PM   #2
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