The cource of action would be to'
1. Find out what the wifi chip name on that board is. Browse ASUS documentation, ask them.
2. See if there is a Linux driver for that chip. Always mention that you use Ubuntu on subsequent forums you ask. A compattible driver MAY me already present in Ubuntu, just not automatically installed.
3. If all else fails, accept you have to buy a wifi card (that you know will work). Not all hardware is supported on Linux. Expecially not all new stuff.
About the software;
It's untrue that Vista will disallow pirated software. The crack for Vista just may be a bit diffrend. There is extra DRM in Vista, but most of it is easyly crackable as proven recently.
Anyway, have you tried The Gimp? 99% of people thinking they need Photoshop can do just as well with the Gimp, its free en opensource too.