Originally Posted by DaverR
From the command line, after I set the static ip address for the machine, how can I save that information to a file on the desktop?
If you did it with ifconfig just for the session (This is for Debian like distros, check your own and modify it accordingly)
ifconfing -a > ~/Desktop/IPAdd.txt
If you modified your /etc/network/interfaces (Again for Debian like, in Fedora it might be /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1) you can make a link to that file and you will have the info.
ln -s /etc/network/interfaces ~/Desktop/IPAdd.txt
how do you set up secure remote access from the command line?
I think the next comman should work in Fedora (run it as root).
yum install openssh-server
That will install the ssh server, which will give you remote secure access from the command line using ssh clients.