Samba as part of file system?
On my SuSE KDE system I set up Samba to see my PC. Now via the "Network Browsing" icon on my desktop I can see my Windows network and access files on my PC. This is good.
But when I'm in Open Office and I save a file that I opened on the PC via Samba it saves it in a local /var/tmp... directory. I can't do a "Save As" onto the PC's drive because the pathname for the Samba files are "smb://<pc name>... - in other words the PC's files are not seen as part of the Linux PC's file system.
If I want to put the saved file on the PC I have to do a Copy from the /var directory and a Paste in the Samba directory I see via the "Network Browsing" icon.
Is there a way to make the PC's directory look like part of the Linux file system so I can do a Save As directly from the application?
Thanks in advance.
BTW, so far I'm VERY happy with Open Office's ability to read and write the Microsoft Word data format!