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Old 08-04-2003, 01:22 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 1

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running sata and ide simultaneously

Hi -
I'm quite new with linux. I'm trying to configure lilo so that it will boot from either of my drives, one being connected to a serial ata controller (silicon images sil3112a) integrated into the motherboard. The drive is not a serial drive, but I am using an adapter to convert it from ide to sata. My other drive is connected as secondary master, and is a normal ide drive. they are both maxtor drives. the serial drive has windows installed on it, and the ide drive has linux installed on it. I am running windows me and Debian 3.0 with kernel 2.4.21, configured and compiled by me. The problem is as follows. When booting up, lilo does not see the serial ata drive. When kernel 2.4.21 is loaded, it does not boot, first hanging for a few minutes in the process of mounting the serial ata drive, and then not being able to get a response from hdc, the normal ide hard drive, and therefore it cannot load the root fs. I am thoroughly confused. any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
- Eric.


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