While I have no pressing need to have vnc serve a different DE/WM than is running on my desktop, the idea is intriguing. To serve Xfce or Fluxbox opens up some great possibilities, like very low use of bandwidth & other resources.
I am running SimplyMEPIS 6.0 (w/ KDE 3.5.3, if it matters). I cannot find any vnc man pages except "vnc.conf" & "xvncviewer"; definitely no "vnc", "xvnc", "Xvnc", "vncserver", "xvncserver", or "svncviewer". I hope this doesn't sound whiney, I'm only trying show that I spent some time looking for myself.
My vnc.conf is nothing but commented out lines: lots of them, but none are active. Furthermore, there is no obvious reference to KDE or Xfce or any other desktop.
What should I be looking at/for?