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Old 05-14-2017, 11:04 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2017
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Rsync permission denied using cron server to server over internet

I am able to get rsync working, from directory to directory on local computer,
and its even working from server to server if i input the command manually(it asks me for my password)

But using a cron over the internet from server to server, i am getting a permission denied from the cron, in the mail

I noticed when i make a cron and it runs at it's scheduled time, it doesn't ask me for a password and even if it did, i wouldn't be around when the cron runs.

is there a way i can put -pmypassword somewhere in my cron?

This is the command i am using in the cron:

rsync -av --delete -e ssh /mywebsitefiles/ root@

where exactly do i put the password inside that cron commanad


Last edited by chripy811; 05-14-2017 at 11:07 AM.
Old 05-14-2017, 11:24 AM   #2
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at first you gave no exact information, so we can only guess. Probably you only mistyped something, or ????
But putting a password (of root) into crontab is not a good idea at all. You ought to configure passwordless login, use different account.
Probably the password contains something strange which may cause a syntax error.
I would try to write a shell script which can be invoked from a terminal and also works from crontab too.
Cron has no terminal and is not able to ask for any password.
Old 05-14-2017, 12:41 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by chripy811 View Post
where exactly do i put the password inside that cron commanad
You don't. You would invoke the SSH client with an option pointing it to the right key to use for authentication instead of a password.

rsync -av --delete -e 'ssh -i /home/chripy/.ssh/some_key_rsa' chripy@
Again, you should turn off remote root access as soon as possible.


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