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Old 05-13-2012, 01:31 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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RHEL6 - newbie

Hi All,

New to linux and have been dabbling around with ubuntu and fedora.
I've a Red Hat server at work which just sits there doing very little. Is a web server for internal sites.
Decided I need to know more about it and have installed RHEL6 on a laptop to learn on.

Falling over every hurdle.

First I installed it as a basic server, and found I had no gui. Tried startx and got command not found, tried yum install gnome desktop environment and got package not found.

Scrapped it and started again. Reinstalled with management tools desktop and xserver. I can use startx to get into the gui but cant find any menu bars or anything to actually do anything with. Just the computer, trash and user home directory.

Created a new user account using the cli and tried the gui with another account, same results.

How do I get beyond this and get the system config menus?

Is there a basic admin guide anywhere? I've no problem with trashing the machine a few times if needed but need to know I can get beyond this.

Is there a way of checking the repository to see which packages it has?

The laptop (sony vaio) has a wireless nic that wasnt detected. Assuming I can get the correct driver for it, how is it installed?

Thank you in advance.
Old 05-13-2012, 02:23 PM   #2
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Edited /etc/inittab file

Set to runlevel 5 thinking I'd get the gui but now on reboot all I get is a black screen with RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 6 splashed across it.

Is there a way around it?
Old 05-13-2012, 03:42 PM   #3
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go back to terminal with keys CTRL+ALT+F1 - F4 (maybe just ALT+F1 -F4 will get you there too)
and it should open CLI where you can login and do the modification to runlevel 3 if you want.

But RHEL will not get to install any packages unless registered your machine with RH.

Try CentOS which is a 99.9% RHEL free OS.
It should give you more options to try out but without any licensing fees like RH needs.

good luck
Old 05-14-2012, 01:06 AM   #4
John VV
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problem one ( not fixable for free )
RHEL6 on a laptop to learn on.
you MUST buy the license there is a $49 USD and the VERY RECOMMENDED "STANDARD support package" for $ 299USD per YEAR

yes $299 per year

server version
for free install CentOS 6.2 or ScientificLinux 6.2

but it says you are a fedora user , then YOU SHOULD all ready know that
it is plastered all over the fedoraforum

second "maybe problem "
same as above
RHEL6 on a laptop to learn on.
a Laptop

now most laptop will mostly work and mostly run RHEL
but RHEL was not designed FOR laptops

now most will run "mostly" fine
others will not even run the installer

so that " MIGHT " cause problems

First I installed it as a basic server, and found I had no gui.
that is normal
servers normally do NOT have a GUI

I can use startx to get into the gui
red hat normally dose NOT need "startx"
GDM is used to start the desktop
please install the "GNOME Desktop environment "

Just the computer, trash and user home directory.
it sounds like you DID NOT create a "normal user" account
this is done on the VERY FIRST boot after install

Is there a basic admin guide anywhere?
the red hat documentation , on the red hat web site

BUT if you do not plan on buying the REQUIRED LICENSE then do NOT use RHEL6
install the FREE CentOS 6.2

Is there a way of checking the repository to see which packages it has?
this is related to the REQUIRED LICENSE
you must have one to install software .

Last edited by John VV; 05-14-2012 at 01:09 AM.
1 members found this post helpful.
Old 05-15-2012, 01:29 PM   #5
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Get CentOS. You need the 2 DVD set, not the live DVD. The installer will give the choice of installing a minimal CLI; basic, web, or database server; minimal, full, or development desktop. If you want a GUI to be installed, you must choose one of the desktop options. The "development" option means you get a compiler installed.

For documentation, see
Old 05-15-2012, 05:23 PM   #6
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If you want to learn how to admin a server, you don't need a gui.
Old 05-16-2012, 08:35 PM   #7
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1. get full Centos instead, as above
2. full manuals here
Old 05-16-2012, 09:14 PM   #8
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You can also try Scientific Linux 6.2.


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