restore image with dd
Hi guys,
I have a redhat laptop and a sun solaris 8 server networked together
I created an nfs share on the sun server and backed up an image of the Redhat laptop to it.
The Hard disk size of the laptop is 40Gb but I have about 38Gb free space on the sun server. So I compressed the image while backing up.
# dd if=/dev/hda | gzip > /NFS_MOUNT/backup.gz
This created the file OK.
Now I'm testing a restore.
So I have donwloaded System Rescue CD and booted the laptop with that.
I've set up the ip address and default gateway and can ping the Sun server.
I've then mounted the NFS partition, and can see the backup file.
However when I try to restore with the command:
# gzip -dc /NFS_MOUNT/backup.gz | dd of=/dev/hda
I get an error: No space left on device.
Am I missing a step? I thought dd would just overwrite the disk.
Does this mean there is not enough space on the sun server or not enough space on the redhat laptop?
When booted with the system rescue cd the output of sfdisk -l has /dev/sdX where I was expecting /dev/hdX
Can anyone help?
Many thanks and kind regards,
Last edited by Stin; 05-14-2008 at 11:35 AM.