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Old 10-26-2009, 01:11 PM   #16
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The ISP could care less about the router, the IP address is given to the modem the customer is using, and that all depends on the MAC of the modem. The modem be it cable/dsl can not be changed unless the new MAC is registered with the ISP as a valid customer device. Other wise anyone could run down to the local radioshack buy a modem and jump on any ISP's network and not have to pay a dime for the service.
I have DSL, and can use any router or modem that I want.
The connection is made by login and pass, not on MAC
Old 10-26-2009, 01:21 PM   #17
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Incidentally - I just experience a similar issue:

Internet is via "Kabel Deutschland" - that is: via the TV cable (not DSL)
There is a router which makes the IP given by the provider accessible to many computers via NAT.

- one of the users wanted to use "rapidshare" to download something
They have a free service which allows one download (with reduced speed) every so many minutes without being registered or paying.
This sevice is also bound to the IP - if someone else from that IP was already using the service - noone else could until the timeout ...ahhm ...timed out (sorry - struggling with english)

The issue:
- noone on this LAN was using that service (I'm certain!) - so: no timeout or denial to use the service should occur
- but it did! - and it still does at this moment

One reason I can think of is:
- they are using the subnet, so ca. 65.000 IP's are available
- they surely have more customers than that - so what will happen is probably them putting 2 or more users on one IP - NAT again just as with the home-router
...and the other one, whom I don't know, is using the service already?

Am I completely wrong?
Here a router reset would probably help - have to test.

[edit]: in light of the next post - probably not
Would need to try to reset the "modem" or whatever it is, which comes before/in front of the router, but this can't be done remotely.
I can log into the router, but the modem is not accessible (not for me - it is for service technicians).

Last edited by jomen; 10-26-2009 at 01:52 PM.
Old 10-26-2009, 01:30 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by mrrangerman View Post
The ISP could care less about the router, the IP address is given to the modem the customer is using, and that all depends on the MAC of the modem. The modem be it cable/dsl can not be changed unless the new MAC is registered with the ISP as a valid customer device. Other wise anyone could run down to the local radioshack buy a modem and jump on any ISP's network and not have to pay a dime for the service.
Yes - you are right, for my cable connection for sure.
The device is registered and you can't log into it to change anything.
Only behind that is a router (and behind that the computers) - changing MAC's there will not help to get a new IP.
Never had DSL.
Old 01-01-2010, 08:39 PM   #19
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maybe useful to you


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