removed faulty win disk. grub issue
Yesterday i removed my Western Digital Raptor disk after concluding that it was this piece of hardware that was screwing up my pc.
Had problem with both ubuntu,fedora and linux mint.all of them unstable =P
Switch disks and put windows onto that disk instead of linux, voila a magical forest of bluescreens=P at the most the windows was up and running for 5 minuts before it would show me a lot of pritty white text on a beautiful blue background=P combined with a hardcore restart etc etc.
Anywhat. as i said, Yesterday i unplugged the raptor disk.
But now i only get no operating system found on bootup.
Probably the grub boot loader was on the windows disk...?
Is there any way to "move" the grub over to my other disk.
Im currently running Linux Mint on the other disk.