I agree, there isn't really enough information here to provide a detailed response, however to give an equally vague response which may or may not help, stdout is "1" and stderr is "2" (stdin is 0).
So if you want to redirect the output of a command to a file you may write:
command > outfile.txt
To redirect only the stderr to a file you write:
command 2> outerr.txt
to redirect your standard error to the same file as your standard output:
command > outfile_and_error.txt 2>&1
Be aware though, if you use the last method, particularly for debugging, that stdout and stderr aren't synchronised. Your error message may turn up several lines earlier than the stdout messages when you think the programme should have failed.
If you run a google search for stdout stderr you should be able to find more information quite easily.
Also make sure that the output isn't being redirected to /dev/null anywhere.