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Old 12-05-2010, 02:10 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2010
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Redirect incoming traffic to an other port (ubuntu openvpn server)

My problem is a bit complicated, but i have simplified it...

I have set up an openvpn server on ubuntu via port tcp 443.
The server use a public network and almost every ports are blocked (not 443)
So when a client connect to the server, if it send traffic needing a blocked port, the connection cannot been etablished of course.
So i d like to know if it is possible to redirect all incoming traffic on the server to an other unblocked port (like 443) to bypass firewall.

I dont think openvpn offer this possibility but maybe with linux it is possible...
Old 12-05-2010, 05:58 PM   #2
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If you run it under the ctrl of xinetd, then port re-direction is possible: Section Binding and Redirection Options.
That's a RHEL doc, but the principle should be the same.
Old 12-05-2010, 10:56 PM   #3
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I know you tried to simplify your question, but this is a bit of a grey area. some of the LQ mods consider this type of behavior hacking (bypassing firewalls). It might help to know exactly what you're doing and why.

I'm not really sure what you're asking. If you have a working VPN server on port 443, then what's the problem? There won't be a way to automatically redirect random visitors across the VPN. Each user will need to install client software and log in.

xinetd is very useful. Just be extra cautious about redirecting ports. I'm not sure, but requests might appear to originate on the local host (if xinetd merely parrots the data). This can cause security vulnerabilities with some services and web apps.
Old 12-06-2010, 12:22 AM   #4
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I closed this thread as it appears to me that the OP is
breaching (trying to breach) the policy of whoever runs
this "public network" w/ a firewall.

It would violate LQ policy to support such endeavours.

If I understood that wrong, and you're legitimately trying
to use the resources please elaborate via direct e-Mail, and
I can re-open the thread.


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