Hi there,
I recently installed RH Linux 9 and I'm trying to figure it out. I'm working in that graphical environnement (Gnome i guess) and the last couple of days I'm trying to install a MSN Messenger clone, without much succes, I must say.
The problem is this: I download a file from a site and it's called "amsn-0.80.tar.gz" . The prob is that I haven't got a clue what to do with it. I doubleclicked on it and unpacked everything in that file, but that didn't help very much. I now have a map with even more files I haven't got a clue of what to do with them... So can someone please explain me in understandable language what I should do with this (and more files of this type) in the future.
And what's the equivalent of an .exe file in Linux ?
I owe the one that can get me on the way bigtime!