Red Hat 9 Mozilla and Java Plgins...
I've installed Red Hat 9 on x86 m/c. By Default, it installed Mozilla 1.2.1-26.
I want to upgrade to Mozilla 1.4 and install Java Plug-ins for that.
AS instructed byrelease notes from Mozilla website, I tried to un-install the "previous" version of Mozilla 1.2.1-26 by "rpm -e <mozilla-1.2.1-26-packages>.
However, I was able to un-install it only partially due to its linkage and dependencies to Galeon.
My questions:
1) How do I cleanly un-install Mozilla-1.2.1-26?
2) After, installing Mozilla 1.4, how do I install the JAVA plugins?
Any help will be appreciated.
BTW, RHL 9 also has its java packages..are they compatible enuf with Mozilla 1.4??