red hat 7.2 installation problems
I was installing linux on a dell inspiron 1100 laptop which previously had XP installed on it. I booted to the red hat install cd1. I picked the graphical installation. did the auto partition, and told it to remove ALL partitions. The install went smooth. I selected the generic monitor that was as close to my dell lcd display as possible. installation finishes. I'm asked to reboot. I notice it says "unknown monitor" it then continues through the various hardware tests... the part where you get a green "OK" next to each item, everything passes. After that is where the machine hangs. All I get is an infinite amount of text flying down the screen.. almost like the matrix- like that binary code that you see during the movie. except this flies down the screen really fast, then stops, then flies down the screen again... and this is infinite. At that point i have to manually turn the laptop off. Any pointers??????????????