i don't know how much you know about mounting, but basically, you have to tell linux to create a link to whatever device (hard drive partition, cdrom drive, floppy etc) you're trying to access. you mount the device to a directory (ie /mnt/cdrom) and from then on all the files on the cdrom are accessible in that directory. that's basically what has to happen.
since you're using Red Hat, there should be a convenient newbie friendly gui for accomplishing all this, but if you do it yourself you'll be better off i think.
you need to decide first where you want to mount it, and create the appropriate directory - usually /mnt/windows or something like that. so go into /mnt and create a folder called windows.
now you want to edit a file ---> /etc/fstab in something like emacs or vim
you'll see a lot of entries, and you want to add one for your second hard drive. now i'm going to assume you're using ide drives, and that 98 is the slave on the primary cable...which means in linux it's referred to as hdb1 (if 98 is on your first drive it'll be hda1). the entry should look something like this:
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat defaults,umask=000 0 0
the first field specifies the device, the second the mount point, the third the filesystem (vfat is windows FAT32, ext3 is usual linux), the fourth lists the options, and the fourth and fifth are dump and check - don't worry about them for right now.
once that's done, your 98 partition should be mounted automatically every time you boot, or type mount -a in a terminal. you can also just type mount /dev/hda1 (as long as hda1 is listed in fstab, otherwise type man mount to see the full use of the command).
that should be more than enough to get you started, and this is a great webpage for help on all sorts of things for more reading:
so go give it a try, and have fun!