Is it possible for me to use a 9.10 disc to recover the my settings etc. from 9.10 or do I have to move everything and just fresh install 9.04/9.10 along side windows and move it back?
If you have not yet destroyed (or fresh installed another Ubuntu over the old in) the same partition, Yes you can still recover the old condition as it is presumably still there.
It seems you only have a booting problem, the usual case when M$Windows is reinstalled or repaired (Windows will usually install its boot loader into the MBR). In this case Ubuntu is no longer visible upon boot up.
What to do:
1. Reinstall Grub boot loader into the MBR (Master Boot Record). You can use any linux tool cd's with grub. Use your liveCD installer, reinstall Grub into the ubuntu partition and the mbr.
2. Your M$windows should be available at grub boot page, if not, you will only need to manually edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst to chainload the windows. Here is a good grub tutorial
read this first before you do the recovery.
Hope it helps.
Good luck.