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Old 10-07-2001, 09:08 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Vermont
Distribution: Red Hat
Posts: 2

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Re Download Linux Red Hat 7.0

I downloaded linux 7.0 on my computer and there was some problems, so I loaded Dos 6.22 and ran FDISK and FORMAT on my C drive now I need to reboot and download linux again. I was told I could create a system boot disk from my win98 on my other computer and then download linux. How do I go about this?
Old 10-08-2001, 01:10 AM   #2
Registered: May 2001
Location: Full-time traveler I live where I am.
Distribution: I use Red Hat V 7.1
Posts: 297

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Need more info

I think what you are saying is that you have formatted your HD.
Further, I think you are looking for a way to boot this computer and then download linux. Is this correct?

If you wish to download linux to any computer, you will need to be able to use your modem. In order to do this, you will have to load some version of windows first, so you can access the net. Or you will have to connect using DOS, which I cannot help you with. I was able to do this at one time, but have used Windows for so many years that I have forgotten how.

You can make a boot disk in windows, Double click "Control Panel", then double click "Add/Remove Programs", then click on "Startup Disk" and then "create disk". Make sure you have a blank disk in your floppy drive, and label it properly.

Actually, you would be better off purchasing RedHat V7.1 from a reseller, like Buy the $35.00 (or thereabouts) package, I think they call it the workstation version. Or you could buy RedHat CDs for very little from one of the guys that distributes open source code. RedHat V7.1 will do a better job of probing and identifying your peripherals. If you are a newbie, you need V7.1. You are in for a lot of work, no matter what you do. V7.1 will help you more than V7.0.
Old 10-08-2001, 01:53 AM   #3
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Re: Re Download Linux Red Hat 7.0

Originally posted by sambam
I downloaded linux 7.0 on my computer and there was some problems, so I loaded Dos 6.22 and ran FDISK and FORMAT on my C drive now I need to reboot and download linux again. I was told I could create a system boot disk from my win98 on my other computer and then download linux. How do I go about this?
I think I understand the question...

You can use a utility called 'rawrite' to create the Linux boot disk. You will probably also need to make some modules disks as well. Download the disk images and then use rawrite (in the DOS command prompt mode - NOT in a windows console!)

Find out which modules you'll need to get the basics up and running (ie: get scsi if you've got a SCSI drive...)
Search the ftp site for the floppy disk images
Get rawrite and read the README!!!
Make the boot floppies.
Download RH stuff
Go ye forth and install.
Old 10-08-2001, 02:32 AM   #4
Registered: May 2001
Location: Full-time traveler I live where I am.
Distribution: I use Red Hat V 7.1
Posts: 297

Rep: Reputation: 30
Just read mcleodnine's reply. He's got some good input and may understand your question better than I do.

I would still suggest that you purchase, rather than download. Go here and do a search on "redhat linux"

Also, get yourself some good documentation. If you want a good source, get "Red Hat 7 Unleashed" , by Bill Ball, David Pitts, et al. ISDN# 0-672-31985-3. This book sells for around $50 together with the RedHat CDs. Also, no offense, one of the Linux for Dummies books can't hurt. We newbies need all the help we can get.


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