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Old 12-04-2009, 09:40 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2007
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Quick apt-cache question

When using apt-cache to find the reverse depends of a package, it would only show dependencies for packages in repositories that you have added wouldn't it? It wouldn't show that a package in a repository that your apt has never heard of depends on it?

I'm a slackware guy and don't use apt but am helping someone else and I almost told them that before I realized that I just made it up out of the blue. My common sense tells me it has to work that way, but I thought I better find out and google didn't help.

Old 12-04-2009, 10:37 PM   #2
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File /etc/apt/sources.list names the repositories to be searched.

Apt -update updates the list of packages that need to be updated.

Apt -upgrade upgrades the necessary packages.
Old 12-05-2009, 07:31 AM   #3
the trooper
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When using apt-cache to find the reverse depends of a package
Use apt-cache rdepends <package> for this.
Or for the dependencies of a particular package use apt-cache depends <package>.

it would only show dependencies for packages in repositories that you have added wouldn't it?
That's correct.
You add an entry in your sources.list than do aptitude update,then the new packages should be available to you.
In some instances you may need to install a 'keyring' for the appropriate repository also.

Apt -update updates the list of packages that need to be updated.

Apt -upgrade upgrades the necessary packages.
Debian advocates the use of Aptitude now and has done since Etch went Stable.
So the way to upgrade now is:

aptitude update
aptitude safe-upgrade

Or a more 'aggressive' upgrade installing new libs to satisfy dependencies use:

aptitude full-upgrade

You can still use apt-get of course.


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