Can anyone help decipher and find a solution to my being unable to run Quake3?
I have a Nvidia GeForce256 vid card. USB sound speakers that emit sound fine.
Look at the bottom and you'll se some changes I made to the quake3 executable. What's wrong? it's like pk3 doesn't have all of it's files or something? Here' s a printout of the messages I'm recieving. Thanks for help in advance!!
[jason@redhat quake3]quake3
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak4.pk3 (272 files)
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak3.pk3 (4 files)
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak2.pk3 (148 files)
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak1.pk3 (26 files)
525 files in pk3 files
Running in restricted demo mode.
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
525 files in pk3 files
----- CL_Shutdown -----
----- CL_Shutdown -----
Sys_Error: Couldn't load default.cfg
[jason@RedHat quake3]$ more quake3
# Needed to make symlinks/shortcuts work.
# Run Quake III with some default arguments
cd "/usr/local/games/quake3"
"$quake" $* exit $?