PXE Server Configuration Ubuntu 16.04
I have googled and found 50 different guides, each one telling me that other guides are outdated and useless. none have worked to date.
My goal is to have a pxe boot server containing a few flavors of Ubuntu, Mint, Debian and so forth all available from a menu when a machine is pxe booted. I want to be able to pick my distro, and have it load as if I had booted from a flash drive / dvd disc. I want to be able to go through the installer like normal. I'm not installing on 100 computers and I don't want it fully automated. Ideally it would pull installation files from the pxe booted images instead of the internet when possible.
Can anyone suggest a guide that actually works and isn't outdated? My server is currently offering ltsp pxe boot as well so I know pxe works, just can't get it right for booting installers.