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Old 07-23-2004, 09:01 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: New York
Distribution: Red Hat
Posts: 32

Rep: Reputation: 15
Problems with Yast2 regarding conflicts during package installation.

Hi yes I just recently installed SuSe 9.1 on my Inspiron 8000 and so far everything was going fine until I came upon this weird dependency issue with Kaffeine and Xine but it comes up when trying to install packages like snort, tripwire, and findutils, which I imagine have very little to do with Xine or Kaffeine. First off let me say I never installed Kaffeine it came installed I believe I downgraded it from 0.4.1-82.2 to 0.4.1-82 and I don't think it did anything. The reason I say I believe is because I've done so many installs tonight of different packages I can't remember exactly and I don't know how to check the version I have installed. The Xine package I installed was from but it was an .rpm from Sourceforge not specifically designed for SuSE 9.1 so that might be the cause of the problem. One thing I can't figure out is how to uninstall these packages even though I search with the SuSE search utility and the find command for the .rpm files to unistall them so far its been a failure. I include the error message I get when trying to install the findutils package, btw all the other packages I mentioned trying to install with the exception of Xine were made for SuSE 9.1. Ok heres the error message any more information anyone might need to help solve this problem please just ask I'll promptly post it if I know where ot find it. Thanks again to all those who have helped me in the past and those who will help me in the future its much appreciated.


/************ERROR MESSAGE***************************************************/
#### YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2004-07-22 23:59:46 ####

kaffeine 0.4.1-82 conflict
Conflict Resolution:
( ) Downgrade kaffeine-0.4.1-84.2 to Version 0.4.1-82
( ) Ignore Conflict and Risk System Inconsistencies
xine 0.3.7-0 conflict
Conflicts with:
xine-lib obsoletes xine
Conflict Resolution:
( ) Do Not Set xine to Protected
( ) Remove All 2 Conflicting Packages
Delete kaffeine
Do Not Install xine-lib

#### YaST2 conflicts list END ###


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